Biomechatronics, Assistive Devices, Gait Engineering, and Rehabilitation Laboratory

Congratulations to BADGER Lab MS Graduate Tyler Bennett

Congratulations to S. Tyler Bennett, M.S., who successfully defended his MS Thesis this summer! Tyler was co-advised by Prof. Adamczyk and Prof. Zhenhua Zhu, director of the Digital and Robotic Construction (DARC) lab in UW Civil and Environmental Engineering. Tyler’s thesis is titled “Field Testing and Instrumentation of Passive Exoskeletons in Construction Workplaces”, and it describes his efforts (and that of the whole team) to deploy comprehensive wearable movement sensing in real construction workplaces. Tyler published an excellent study on the project, including pilot findings and how-to recommendations. He also published earlier versions in conferences and helped with our workshop and paper on Facilitators, Barriers and Potential Solutions for using exoskeletons in construction.

Tyler is looking to launch a career in Robotics, Mechatronics, 3D printing, Biomechanics, and other cutting-edge technologies. Find him on LinkedIn.