Biomechatronics, Assistive Devices, Gait Engineering, and Rehabilitation Laboratory

August 2020 – BADGER and NMB Labs publish first paper on mobile tendon tensiometry

UW NBML and BADGER Lab members published a new paper in Sensors using a wearable version of the Tendon Tensiometer to measure Achilles tendon loads during walking outdoors on different slopes. Congratulations Sara Harper, Rebecca Roembke, and graduate John Zunker!

S. E. Harper, R. A. Roembke, J. D. Zunker, D. G. Thelen, and P. G. Adamczyk, “Wearable Tendon Kinetics,” Sensors, vol. 20, no. 17, Art. no. 17, Jan. 2020, doi: 10.3390/s20174805.