Biomechatronics, Assistive Devices, Gait Engineering, and Rehabilitation Laboratory

November 2020 – Journal Cover paper on In-Game Cutting Kinematics in Ultimate Frisbee

Congratulations to BADGER Lab alum Paul Slaughter, for publishing his first-of-kind study of in-game cutting maneuvers in female collegiate ultimate frisbee players! This study used lower-body wearable movement sensors during league-sanctioned games at three levels of competition. Results characterize the distribution of cutting directions, speeds, accelerations, and knee flexion angles that occur during play. Players at higher levels of competition use greater speed and acceleration and lesser knee flexion angles, potentially putting them at increased risk of knee injury such as ACL tears.

The study was selected for the journal cover on the November 26, 2020 edition of Sensors.

P. R. Slaughter and P. G. Adamczyk, “Tracking Quantitative Characteristics of Cutting Maneuvers with Wearable Movement Sensors during Competitive Women’s Ultimate Frisbee Games,” Sensors, vol. 20, no. 22, Art. no. 22, Jan. 2020, doi: 10.3390/s20226508.